The Weavers Cottages Project included the development of several interactive interpretation schemes to help visitors understand and engage with the history of the cottages even though they can no longer visit them.
One of these schemes involved working with local historians Melvyn Thompson and Nigel Gilbert to build a picture of what the cottages may have looked like and how they were lived and worked in during their main period of activity in the 18th Century as weavers’ cottages.
Phil Kenning, of Kenning Illustration, then worked with the Trust to construct an interactive 3D model and a cut-away showing an internal view of No 22.
Complementing this artwork is this water colour of The Horsefair as it may have been at that time and a series of drawings that show the cottages at different phases. These drawings represent the cottages as they would have been in 1770, 1850, 1950 and present day (2017). The images are limited by the extent of our current knowledge, which may be enhanced by further research.
This interpretation is an outstanding resource for schools and the community alike providing an insight into the life of a hand-loom weavers in Kidderminster at this time.